
Magazine staff

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  • About Declassified
  • — Nomad @ 9:24 pm  

    A lot of work goes into producing the fine magazine that we’ve been periodically putting out over the last 3 years. Without them, I’d be at a complete loss – likely handing out 5-page crudely and hastily assembled photocopied articles. For those who appreciate the magazines and content, feel free to give these folks a thank you and pat on the back:

    Chris “Werecat” Chung – Editor-in-Chief – Chris is a champ. He is not only responsible for editing each piece of content, but he hounds writers, sets and enforces deadlines, proposes (and composes) content, and any other task that no one is willing to step up to the plate for. Not any easy task when no one involved is drawing a paycheck.

    Todd “M6d” Weinzierl – Graphic Designer – Todd has, since the beginning , done layout for every page, designed every logo and art piece, and even contributed the occasional photos.

    James “Kuukuuson” Kavanagh – Printer – James is the “crunch” man. As the last man in the production process, everyone else’s failure to make deadline eventually gets dumped into James’ lap, and he gets left to scramble to get to printing done on time. James prints every page, finalizes layout, and staples every issue together.

    We also have several frequent contributors (authors) for the magazine, who equally deserve every credit possible:

    Josh “Antarctica” Eggebeen
    Mike O’Sullivan
    Pat “Notpicard” Stewart
    Mike “Mike T.” Taber
    Roger “Goofateer” Taft

    Sam “Nomad” Damon

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